Christmas for a Goddess by S.E. Smith

Christmas for a Goddess by S.E. Smith

Author:S.E. Smith
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: S.E. Smith


Phoenix silently counted everyone in the living room of the bunkhouse early the next morning. The only ones missing were Jabir and Bálint. Alice and Amber had both gone earlier this morning to get them. Phoenix wasn’t sure what was taking them so long.

“Phoenix, I’ve got an incoming signal,” Jade hollered above the noise of the excited chatter from the other dragonlings and looked over the top of the screen she was holding.

Phoenix nodded and hurried outside the bunkhouse. It was easier to create a large portal outside where there was more room than inside where it was crowded. Her body shimmered as she shifted into her dragon form. She was more powerful in this form when opening a portal. The other dragonlings hushed and spilled out of the bunkhouse behind her.

She rose into the air and focused on the connection between Earth and Valdier. The atmosphere flickered and changed as a portal opened. Soon, the darkness of space brightened until the space reflected a mirror of where Alice, Amber, and the two boys were shone as if they were looking through a window.

“Oh, no, they did not!” Spring groaned.

Oh, no, was right! Phoenix agreed.

The first thing that came through the portal wasn’t any of the dragonlings, but eight of Jabir’s beasts that had caused the others to get into trouble! Phoenix rose higher as the large, hairy beasts bowed their antler-topped heads and jumped through the opening. The creatures verged with four going to the right and four going to the left. The large harnesses around their necks jiggled as the silver bells attached to them announced their arrival. A few seconds later, Jabir and Bálint jumped through followed by Alice and Amber.


The chorus of groans from the other kids rose above the clatter of the reindeer-like beasts who were pawing at the snow and curiously sniffing the ground. Phoenix closed the portal and landed, shifting back into her two-legged form as she did. She placed her hands on her hips and glared at the four new arrivals.

“Alice!” she snipped.

Alice raised her hands. “Don’t blame me. I told Jabir and Bálint not to bring them,” she said with a huff.

“Phoenix, they’ll be good. Dad was upset because they didn’t like the new enclosure that he and Asim built for them. Mom says they have to stay in the barn if they aren’t in the enclosure, but they were scaring all the other animals,” Jabir explained.

“And you thought bringing them here would be a good idea?” Spring demanded.

“I think they are pretty cool,” Roam said.

Spring whipped around and scowled at Roam. “Of course, you do! You don’t think about all the problems that can result!”

“Well, it isn’t like I can fly like you guys or just pop up wherever I want. I could ride one of these and keep up,” Roam snapped.

“You don’t have to! Your cat can walk in snow without sinking into it and you don’t have to worry about keeping up because we wouldn’t leave you behind,” Spring retorted.


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